Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Religion Makes you Live Longer !

What is it about religious beliefs that would tend to help you live longer?


  1. I don't think religion makes you live longer. I think happiness makes you live longer and religion often provides a sense of community and happiness. I think happiness gained from any other community will also make you live a full, long life.

    1. I believe that community brings people together, and living a laid back lifestyle is helpful. The food and location is also beneficial.

    2. Religion itself isn't a reason for longevity, but having faith usually coincides with a supportive social group and the promotion of good values.

  2. I don't believe religion itself makes you live longer but the effects of having the time to pray/think all day may lead to a longer life. These people have extremely calm, peaceful lives without any stress or pressure. For a person who works long hours 5 days a week I don't believe showing strong religious beliefs would change life expectancy. Though, people taking naps all day, not working and living in total peace will have a longer life than somebody working under extreme pressure.

  3. I think that religion is part of it, but not the only part. Many aspects of life that people said contributed to their longevity can be obtained by religion, but that is not the only place. You can just as easily socialize at church as you can in a town square or a pub. However, religion offers an organized and structured way to obtain these things. I think that religion is part of it, but not the only part.

  4. I think that the way people live their lives contributes to how long they live. If you live without stress and in a way that makes you happy and calm, then I think you would live longer. Maybe for some people, they have the ability to chose religion as a way for them to be happy, stress-free, and healthy but I dont that that religion in general causes people to be that way.

  5. (I'm sorry I'm submitting this so late, but I tried a while ago to submit my comment, and it didn't work.)
    I think that the rituals of religion contribute to a healthier, and therefore longer, life. The ritual of daily prayer or meditation creates the opportunity to relax everyday, so a person makes a regular thing of reducing stress. Reducing stress helps to prevent problems with a person's heart, and can help a person keep their weight down, which contributes to a healthy life.

  6. I think that the connection between long lives and religiousness has to do with a happy, healthy lifestyle. Peoples religions might encourage then to "take it easy" rather than live stressfully.

  7. I do believe that religion makes you live longer. I believe this because when you are religious you have a way to be forgiven or a direct way to get something bad off of your mind. Also most religious people live in less stress because they believe something or somebody will deliver better things to them.
